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Parasound Halo Series in HIGH-END ????

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Hey There,


Im very new here and can read german but cannot write it.

You can see in my profile i have the whole classic line from the Parasound series.


I want to upgrade this year to the HALO series from Parasound.

But i see on the site from Domino Design that you have to connect the HALO series with Mogami cables but i have heard the HALO series with Mogami cables and it sounded terrible.

Has somebody more experience with Mogami cables and the Halo series?


Or have you good tips or hints??





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Hi Martin,

welcome to the club :))


Well first of all, in what environment have you heard the system? Was it at a dealer, showroom, private session???

I am not a believer in "cable sound", based upon personal listening experience and the fact that a properly designed device is used. Slight changes might very well be possible, however not the difference between "horrible" and "crystal clear".....

If the chain you have heard sounded indeed terrible something else mighthave been wrong....

Anyhow, do you want to get the whole Halo system? .. os just certain components?

What kind of speakers are you using right now? What are your listening preferences?


Later, Mike


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The line i want to buy this febuary is the complete 1 line


2 JC-1 mono Endstufen

1 C-1 Controller

1 Halo Tuner

2 A-23 Halo Stereo Endstufen


I play all my system with JBL.


I have in front 2 JBL Ti 250 Jubilee (with Heavens gate cable upgrade in the speakers.

I have chosen that cable brand because i have got


Oehlbach XXL6 (good but too warm in sound)

QED (very transparant cable but no dept in music)

Siltech (very good cable but much too sharp sounding)

Art Speak (terrible sounding cable)

I have now cables from Heavens Gate and they are very good for their price.

They are tested beside cables from 5 times the price i paid for the cables.


You cannot make a very new system with only cables thats for sure but you CAN tune it with your cables.

When you buy a Yamaha amplifier it sounds very sharp you can tune it with nice solid copper cables not silver because thats also sounding sharp.

So thats i also say so you can make your system with good cables but you can also break it!!!


greetings and thanks for your answer!!





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Hi Martin,

since I have no expirence with the Parasound Halo line I cannot coment on their performance... however:

a) you are using 2 mono amps and 2 stereo amps... are you doing a 6+1 surround setup or are you bi-amping/tri-amping?

B) what is the purpose of using purely HALO equipment?

c) what is the total cost of your system....? This will give me a better idea on possible alternatives...



Cheers, Mike

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Hi Martin,


thanks for your mail - however, we are more than surprised.


1. It is just wrong, that Parasound Halo components HAVE to be connected with Mogami cables. It is just a recommendation on our Homepage, after we tested several cables with different sources and speakers.


2. Where did you hear the combination ? From the dealers that carry Parosound HALO sofar, we know, that their judgement is entirely different.


3. What Parasound HALO components did you hear ? And which speakers were used ? AND- which cables were used ?? The cables we refer to on our hompeage have been carefully selected to work with Parasound HALO components very good - but it is always a matter of personal preferences as well.


We like to learn more about what customers say, but we want to differentiate rumors from reality and would therefore very much appreciate to get more information.


In case you are living not to far from Wiesbaden, you are of course cordially invited to us for a listening session, either with us or at a dealer. It would be up to you.


Looking forward to hearing from you and best regards


Domino Design GmbH

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