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Besser hören mit Laser?

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hast Du da nicht was missverstanden?

Hier geht es um Tinnitusheilung, oder?


mit irritierten grüssen, frank


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Hi Holli,

kommerzielle Institute, die methodisch lausige "Studien" zur Unterstützung ihrer paramedizinischen Apparate ins Netz stellen, gibt es zuhauf. Wer bei "Methode" nur technische Details angibt, aber nichts über die Studienpopulation aussagt, Randomisierung ja/nein, Erfolgskriterien etc., wird in der scientific community nicht unbedingt ernst genommen ;-)


Hier noch abstracts aus der medline:


Ugeskr Laeger 2000 Jun 19;162(25):3607-10 Related Articles, Books, LinkOut



[Treatment of tinnitus with low-intensity laser].


[Article in Danish]


Mirz F, Zachariae B, Andersen SE, Nielsen AG, Johansen LV, Bjerring P, Pedersen CB.


Arhus Universitetshospital, Arhus Kommunehospital, ore-naese-halsafdeling H. mirz@dadlnet.dk


This study evaluated the effect of low-power laser in the treatment of tinnitus in a randomized, prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The active laser applied 50 mW (cw, 830 nm) over a period of 10 minutes per session. Forty-nine patients were included. The main outcome was measured using psychoacoustical match of tinnitus loudness, Visual Analog Scale (VAS) ratings of subjective loudness, annoyance and attention involved, scores on tinnitus-specific questionnaires, and a number of psychosocial questionnaires. Only few subjects (18%) experienced subjective improvement. There were no statistically significant differences between the effects of the active laser and placebo treatments. CONCLUSION: Low-power laser treatment is not indicated in the treatment of tinnitus. Reports of significant benefits of this treatment in previous studies may be explained by the placebo effect.


Publication Types:

Clinical trial

Randomized controlled trial


PMID: 11016286 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE



: Laryngorhinootologie 1993 Jan;72(1):28-31 Related Articles, Books, LinkOut



[soft laser therapy in combination with tebonin i.v. in tinnitus].


[Article in German]


Partheniadis-Stumpf M, Maurer J, Mann W.


Univ. HNO-Klinik Mainz.


28 patients were treated with soft-laser therapy. Two-thirds of them had suffered from tinnitus for more than six months and had undergone different therapies before. Each patient was treated twelve times, treatment lasting ten minutes. Before therapy six ml of Tebonin were given i.v. Four minutes later, the laser was positioned at a distance of one centimetre from the patients' mastoid. The laser beam was directed two fingers above the mastoid tip aiming at the lateral wall of the contralateral orbit. Before and three weeks after treatment each patient underwent pure tone audiometry and determination of the tinnitus intensity. Patients were asked to score symptoms before and three weeks after therapy. Hearing levels before and after soft-laser therapy did not show any statistic difference. Three weeks after the last treatment, twenty patients denied any change in tinnitus. Two patients felt an improvement of tinnitus and one patient had recovered completely. Five patients remained undecided about the outcome of therapy. To sum up, according to our results, the trial so far failed to show clear benefits of soft-laser therapy for patients suffering from chronic tinnitus.


PMID: 8439353 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



Beste Grüsse




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